European Photography 111 Digital
14,00 €
Human/Nature. “In times of greatest hardship, nature is left behind, and art even more so. This issue is about both: nature and art – and what connects them beyond the day.” Introduction by Andreas Müller-Pohle. Portfolios with interviews by Seunggu Kim, David Klammer, Cyril Albrecht, Kathrin Linkersdorff, Thomas Alleman, Michael Najjar, Jan van IJken, Elaine Duigenan, Ilkka Halso, Sage Sohier, and Ulrich Seidl | Human/Nature – A Select Dictionary | Trees That Grow into the Sky, by Marc Alexander | Paths to Nature: Books by Jana Hartmann, Klaus Pichler, Luzia Simons, Rita Leistner, and Terri Weifenbach, reviewed by Christoph Tannert | Editor’s Pick: Koert van Mensvoort: Next Nature Network – No. 111, vol. 43, issue 1, summer 2022. Berlin: European Photography, 2022. 24 x 30 cm, 80 pages. German/English (PDF, 6.32 MB)